Mark Armstrong: Grinding out a new PB at St Neots Half Marathon
The writer of this content participates in a half marathon despite feeling less than 100% leading up to the race. He was hoping to beat his previous time of 1:28:45, but admits that his training had not been consistent due to not feeling his best. He made an effort to rest and relax leading up to the race to ensure his legs felt fresh and prepared for the 13.1-mile event. Despite facing strong winds and struggling to maintain the pace he had hoped for, the runner managed to pull through and finished with a personal best time of 1:28:40, just five seconds faster than his previous time. He admits that he believes he is capable of running faster, but is satisfied with the result given the circumstances.
The runner’s wife was with him on race day and the two drove to the race location, facing windy conditions as they approached the area. The writer notes that the course was not the easiest, with some hills and gusty winds, but decided to push through and give the race his best effort. He found that he was struggling to maintain his desired pace in the first few miles of the race, but began to settle into a rhythm after the fifth mile. He eventually found his stride and managed to maintain a strong finish despite difficult conditions.
The runner felt strong in the last few miles of the race and decided to turn on his watch to see if he was on pace for a personal best. As he pushed through the final mile, he was determined not to let another runner pass him. He crossed the finish line with a time of 1:28:40, just five seconds faster than his previous best. The writer acknowledged that while he believes he is capable of running even faster, he was pleased with his performance given the circumstances. He expressed relief at not having any more races planned in the near future and looked forward to some time to relax and recover both mentally and physically. Despite the difficulties leading up to the race, the runner felt excited about the prospect of future races in 2024.