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The happiest and unhappiest places to live in Norfolk

The Office for National Statistics (ONS) recently published data ranking the happiest and unhappiest places to live in a county. This data was collected through a national survey conducted between April 2022 and March 2023, asking people to rate their level of happiness, life satisfaction, worth, and anxiety on a scale of 10. The ONS averaged this data and compiled it into a yearly report, which included measurements for seven key districts in Norfolk: Breckland, Broadland, Great Yarmouth, King’s Lynn and West Norfolk, North Norfolk, Norwich, and South Norfolk.

The results of the survey indicated that Breckland was the happiest district in Norfolk, with high scores for happiness, life satisfaction, and feeling worthwhile, and the lowest levels of anxiety. On the other hand, Norwich was identified as the unhappiest place in the county, with the lowest life satisfaction and high levels of anxiety. Great Yarmouth matched Broadland in happiness levels and ranked the highest for feeling worthwhile, while people in Broadland were the least anxious.

Breckland, Broadland, Great Yarmouth, King’s Lynn and West Norfolk, North Norfolk, Norwich, and South Norfolk, were rated according to their levels of happiness, life satisfaction, feelings of worth, and anxiety. The scores for each factor were compiled for each district, with Breckland and Broadland ranking the highest in happiness and life satisfaction. Norwich and North Norfolk had the lowest scores for happiness and life satisfaction but ranked higher in feeling worthwhile.

Overall, the happiness and life satisfaction rankings varied across the seven districts, indicating that residents’ experiences and perceptions of their quality of life can differ significantly within the same county. These rankings provide valuable insights into the well-being of communities in Norfolk and may serve as a basis for potential interventions to improve overall happiness and satisfaction levels in certain areas.

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