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Costessey man walking equivalent of Mexico to Canada

Matt Smith, a staff investigation processor with Norfolk Police, has taken on a massive fundraising challenge. He plans to complete a half marathon distance each day, for 182 consecutive days, while still working a full 40-hour week at his job. This adds up to nearly five million steps, and will be his biggest and most grueling fundraising effort yet. He will be walking a virtual version of the Pacific Crest Trail, a trek that is ranked among the most difficult in real life and has only been completed by less than 9,500 people. Alongside his full-time job, Matt will be walking 13 miles per day, aiming to complete the equivalent of walking from Mexico to Canada.

Matt’s challenge began on October 1 and he aims to finish by March 31 if not before. By day 30, he had already completed 501 miles, leaving him an impressive 92 miles ahead of schedule. However, with 1,984 miles left to walk and having raised only £555 of his £2,500 target, he acknowledges there is still plenty left to do. He is raising money for Cancer Research UK, recognizing the ongoing need for support and research in combating cancer. Despite his progress, Matt still has a long way to go both in terms of his fundraising target and the remaining distance he has to cover.

Living in Costessey and working out of County Hall, Matt takes extended loops to and from work each day to rack up the miles, albeit without the soaring peaks of the Pacific Crest Trail. Cancer is a cause close to his heart, and he is motivated by the increasing rates of cancer diagnosis and the improving but still challenging survival rates. Charities like Cancer Research UK, in Matt’s view, play a crucial role in improving survival rates and therefore are worthy of support. This virtual trek will be Matt’s toughest challenge yet, and he hopes to raise both awareness and funds for cancer research as he makes his way through the next few months with a half marathon every single day.

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