King’s Lynn couple bring joy of Samba to churches

Chris and Laura Evans from King’s Lynn Baptist Church have launched a new initiative called Bang The Drum ! to share the fun and fellowship of Samba and Djembe drumming with local churches and their communities.
Bang the Drum ! is a new initiative devised and run by Chris and Laura Evans from King’s Lynn Baptist Church, set up with initial funding from Norfolk Christian Community Trust, Dreams and Visions.
The aim of Bang the Drum ! is to help churches and Christian groups draw people together from within local fellowships and the wider community to enjoy the fun and friendship of a Samba drumming workshop, with a view to possibly going on to form regular monthly clubs. Churches would also then be able to support events at schools and other community spaces as part of their outreach.
Bang the Drum ! launched its first event on Friday, September 23 when almost 40 people came together to enjoy drumming and to share a meal at Fenlands Church in Tydd Gote (pictured right).
Music Teacher Chris Evans (main photo) who has a Masters Degree in Music (Percussion) said: “Laura and I have been doing Samba workshops for several years, largely in schools and, last year, we spent a month in Kenya teaching music and Samba drumming.
“This year I had a substantial grant from Dreams and Visions to purchase new kit that’s more portable and easier to use and, therefore the first six events are free to the applicant churches. The aim of Bang the Drum ! is to encourage links between all kinds of local fellowships by supporting them to organise these fun events as part of their mission and church life.”
The Dreams and Vision grant was specific to the larger King’s Lynn area however Chris and Laura would be delighted to hear from church fellowships of all denominations across Norfolk who want to invite or partner with other fellowships. The workshops suit groups of 20-40 people of all ages and abilities and no experience or materials are necessary.
Chris said: “When this is up and running we also have a similar project involving Djembe drumming groups which is ready to launch. The drumming group will suit smaller venues and groups of 10-15 people.”
The second Bang the Drum ! Samba Drumming Workshop is planned at King’s Lynn Baptist Church, South Lynn on Friday, October 7 at 5.30-8.30pm. There is a cost of £1.50 which includes food and drink. Please call Clare on 0788 768 0500 for a place.
Churches and Christian groups interested in hosting a Samba drumming workshop event can complete the contact form at for more information and a call-back.
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Read the full article here