John Hindley to be speaker at Gospel Partnership

Norfolk Gospel Partnership (NGP) are hosting a morning with input from Broadgrace Pastor, John Hindley, to consider strength in weakness.
It will take on Tuesday February 28. John has got a new book coming out called, ‘Weakness our Strength, Learning from Christ Crucified’. He will be sharing material from this over a couple of sessions, with time for questions and lunch. It starts at 10am and will be finished by 1pm, and anyone who is in ministry or is interested is welcome.
John explains: “We live in a world that loves strength – success, speed, popularity, looks, wealth, achievement, productivity. We live in in a world that can marginalise, hide or despise weakness. So often our churches reflect the surrounding culture as we seek to be credible, relevant, impressive, compelling. What if that is not how we were made or called to be? What if we followed a Lord who prefers weakness over strength; content to be obedient to death, even death on a cross? There is freedom, grace, truth and a different sort of strength to be found in the weakness of Christ.”
Andy Rees co-chair of the NGP comments: “These have been great mornings for people from all over Norfolk to get together, catch up and be encouraged by useful input. Ministry can be isolating and many of us are spiritually self-feeding, so it’s great to sit under encouraging preaching as we hear about what Christ has to say into our weakness.”
It will take place at Servant Church, Hillcrest Chapel, Weston Wood Road, NR7 0JY.
You can read further details and book in here
Pictured above is John Hindley
Eldred Willey, 06/02/2023
Read the full article here