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Two Norfolk Christians honoured by King Charles 

Two Christians from Norfolk and Waveney have been recognized for their dedicated service to their church and community by King Charles III in the Royal Maundy Money tradition. Peggy Barnes, a churchwarden at Melton Constable for nearly 40 years, assists with fundraising, cares for her church building, and prepares it for services. David Knighton, a Trustee of Norfolk and Waveney Quakers, volunteers at Norwich Credit Union, manages the Quaker Homelessness Fund, and holds other important roles in Area and Local Meetings. The Rt Rev Graham Usher, Bishop of Norwich, expressed delight at their contributions being recognized and emphasized the importance of serving others and loving neighbors.

The Maundy service, which takes place during Holy Week, symbolizes humility, care, kindness, and appreciation of others. The giving of Royal Maundy Money is a centuries-old tradition based on Jesus’ instruction at the Last Supper to love one another. The ceremony involves the monarch handing each recipient two small purses, one containing ordinary coins and the other containing silver Maundy coins in the same number of pence as the sovereign’s age. The symbolic act of giving these gifts represents Christian care and love for one another.

Peggy expressed her pleasure and honor at receiving the Maundy Money, while David highlighted his excitement to represent Quakers at the traditional service. The ceremony at Worcester Cathedral on Thursday, March 28, will see Her Majesty The Queen distribute the Royal Maundy gifts on behalf of King Charles III. This ceremony is a significant event in the Christian calendar, showcasing the values of service, humility, and love for others that are central to the faith.

The recognition of Peggy and David’s service reflects their commitment to following the model of Jesus by serving others and embodying the message of love and care within their church and community. Their roles in fundraising, caring for the church building, managing charitable funds, and volunteering at various organizations demonstrate their dedication to making a positive impact on those around them. The Royal Maundy Money tradition acknowledges and celebrates individuals who exemplify the principles of Christian service and love towards others.

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