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Professor quits ivory tower to work for homeless 

Professor of Faith and Global Politics Lee Marsden will be leaving the University of East Anglia after 17 years to become Head of Supporter Relations at Hope into Action.

Professor Marsden has enjoyed a distinguished career authoring seven books and numerous other academic publications. He served as Head of the School of Politics, Philosophy, Language and Communication Studies for eight years until 2021.


When asked why he was making a move at this time Professor Marsden said: “Homelessness and poverty are the key social issues of our time. The Covid pandemic caused many people, including me, to reprioritise the things that matter most to them. As much as I have enjoyed my time in academia, God’s heart is for the marginalised and the oppressed and I believe this is where I am being called to serve.”


Hope into Action is a national homeless charity working with churches to house the homeless. It began in Peterborough 12 years ago and has grown to have 250 tenants in 100 homes across the country. They work with investors to buy houses and partner with local churches to support tenants including refugees, ex-offenders, those exiting sex work, people overcoming addictions, and those escaping domestic violence. 


Pictured above is Lee Marsden



Eldred Willey, 27/06/2022

Read the full article here

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