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Preaching ban for ex-East Anglia Methodist chief 

Rev Graham Thompson, former president of the Methodist Conference, has been given a 12-month preaching and pastoral ban following a safeguarding investigation into his conduct. The investigation was initiated after concerns were raised about Mr Thompson’s effectiveness in safeguarding leadership as the chair of the district. The Methodist Church’s Safeguarding Committee has determined that he should not participate in any front-facing, preaching, or pastoral roles within the church for at least 12 months. During this time, he will undergo additional safeguarding training. The Methodist Church has expressed profound apologies to those affected by the lack of proper safeguarding practices and has pledged to make their churches a place of safety for all.

Rev Thompson, who was elected as President in June 2022, served in the role for a year before being suspended in June 2023. His suspension came just before his term was set to end. In response to his election, Rev Thompson expressed gratitude and a commitment to serving God and the Church during the recovery from the pandemic. Prior to his ministry in the Methodist Church, he worked as an accountant and has served in various roles within the Church, including as a Presbyter, Superintendent, and Chair of different districts.

The Methodist Church’s decision to impose a ban on Rev Thompson is a reflection of their commitment to upholding safeguarding practices and ensuring the safety of individuals within the church community. They have emphasized that their safeguarding responsibilities are at the core of their mission and expressed determination to support survivors, respond to allegations, and take appropriate action against individuals, regardless of their position within the Church. Rev Thompson will undergo additional safeguarding training during his 12-month ban, furthering the church’s commitment to ensuring the highest standards of safeguarding in the future.

This incident involving Rev Graham Thompson highlights the Methodist Church’s dedication to addressing safeguarding concerns and taking appropriate action when necessary. By imposing a preaching and pastoral ban on Rev Thompson, the Church is sending a clear message that they prioritize the safety and well-being of their members. The Methodist Church’s statement expresses remorse for any individuals who have been affected by a lack of proper safeguarding practices and reassures the community that they are actively working to create a safe environment for all. Through additional training and a commitment to supporting survivors, the Church aims to prevent similar incidents from occurring and to instill confidence in their members that their concerns will be taken seriously.

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