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Prayer ministry pioneer shares insights on healing 

Robbie Bain, who has played a leading role in developing prayer ministry at Light House in Norwich, has brought out a new book through Call to Prayer about healing and wholeness. Gail Halley reports.

Robbie Bain’s new book A Journey into Healing and Wholeness is well named, for it does indeed take us on a journey starting on page one, where she makes it clear that physical health is linked to the prosperity of our souls, and then leads us through the many aspects of wholeness besides physical healing. 

Different readers will find that different aspects of the book appeal to them: for some it will be the teaching which helps us to see healing and wholeness as it is presented throughout both the Old and New Testaments; for others, it may be insights such as the power of the words we speak and the way this can seriously affect our lives and those of others; or the personal testimonies, which show real evidence of how God works in our ordinary lives, besides adding some lightness and humour.  For me, it was the prayers. Robbie writes beautiful prayers which work on their own but, more importantly, act as a springboard for us to make our own personal requests known to God.  

RobbieBain750One of the remarkable things about this book is that it is informed much more by scripture rather than by opinions. It’s as if the writer knows how precious the subject is and wants to let it speak for itself. Of course scripture can be interpreted in different ways, and the reader is always free to agree – or not. So while there may be subjects which are new to some, such as the power of making decrees or the role that angels may play in our lives (both of which are clearly backed by scripture), we might find on examining and praying into these things that a new door is opened to us on our journey.

Paige Squirrell (kingdombreakthrough.org) adds:

Robbie’s book is timely, doing a beautiful job of bringing truths from God’s Word to bear on situations that have cluttered our lives and held us back from the full life God intended for us. I highly recommend this book. It will detox your heart, give rest to your soul, renew your mind, and restore your strength. You will experience a transformation that will release joy and peace in your life. Be blessed as you go on this journey. 

A Journey into Healing and Wholeness is available at £5 (plus £1.40 postage) from the Call to Prayer website shop:  www.call2prayer.co.uk  or by emailing [email protected]

Pictured above is Robbie Bain


Eldred Willey, 24/11/2020

Read the full article here

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