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Photographer launches Christian art group 

Luis Conde, a photographer originally from Portugal, has been inspired to launch a Christian art group at King’s Community Church.

Luis moved to England with his family in 2007. His passion for photography started when he was 14 years old and he took a distance learning photography course, then joined a local amateur photography group. 

He became professional photographer on his thirties, first working in a lab, in two photo studios for advertising and fashion in Lisbon, and then running his own portrait studio between 1994 and 2006. 


He now mainly does analogue photography, based on shooting film, as he has his own dark room. You can see his work on www.condephotographer.com.


Last year he started to be interested in painting, and took a course in art and design at the Art Academy East in Norwich, obtaining a level 2 qualification from the University of the Arts London.


During the course his class visited an art exhibition with what he calls a dark anti-God message. “God then spoke to me,” said Luis, “saying that He wanted me to pass on the Gospel message through painting and by creating a Christian art group.”


Norfolk Christian Art Group now gathers once a month on various Fridays at King’s Community Church, Norwich. The next meeting will be on Friday January 13 and the one after that on Friday February 10. The group runs from 6.30pm to 9pm, but people are free to leave earlier if they wish.


The group starts its meetings by reading a piece of Scripture and praying, asking God to inspire them and then producing artwork. Membership of the group is free, and people are asked to bring their own art materials. 


Any Christian is welcome to join Norfolk Christian Art Group and Luis can be contacted on [email protected] or by joining the Facebook group (Norfolk Christian Art Group).


Pictured above is Luis Conde and, below, one of the paintings from the group.


Eldred Willey, 19/12/2022

Read the full article here

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