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Paul marks his 70th with 70k to raise £7000

On October 8, his 70th birthday, Paul Coleman from Norwich will be running 70 kilometres and hopes to raise £7000 for Compassion UK.

All the money raised will be going towards a new agroecology centre initiative in Togo, West Africa. The centre will benefit many of the students and families already sponsored through Soul Church, Norwich, by establishing sustainable agriculture practices in the area.


“The aim is to construct and implement an agroecological centre by June 2024 and teach a three-year programme of agroecological techniques to 2,000 youth and 1,500 caregivers by December 2025,” said Paul.


The centre will become the heart of agroecology learning and development in the Maritime Region and will include: a solar-powered borehole, a training room/office and a dormitory with toilets, and a biodigester for turning organic waste into fertiliser.


It is the start of Compassion’s ambitious plans to alleviate present pressures and mitigate long-term food insecurity. “Learnings from the centre, the farm school and from savings scheme initiatives will inform future plans in creation care and livelihood work supporting children and families throughout Togo,” said Paul.


Paul is not a professional runner, he doesn’t even enjoy running, but runs to keep fit. In May, he ran his first half-marathon with Soul Church, and wanted to do something significant as he turned 70. He has been preparing, running 5 days a week, but he isn’t only relying on his training.


“It wouldn’t be a challenge if it was something I could easily achieve in my own strength, this way God will get the glory,” said Paul.


To donate, please visit challenges.compassionuk.org


Peter Bending, 02/08/2023

Read the full article here

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