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Now is the time for change for Nick 

Director of Norwich Youth for Christ Nick Blanch is stepping down after 11 year at the helm of the local charity. He feels the time is right to move on to a new national role and open an opportunity for a new director.


Earlier in the year Nick and the team felt that God gave them a phrase ‘Now is the time…’ and they have seen this happen through new opportunities, projects blossoming and growth happening. Nick said, “Iin the last few months, God has led me to a point of considering a new role.  I love my job and when I questioned the Lord whether it was the right thing to do, I felt Him bring that phrase to mind again and say now is the time for someone new at Norwich Youth for Christ.”

Nick be taking a new role with the national team at British Youth for Christ as the Senior Lead for Relational. As part of the Senior Leadership Team, the role will be leading the Urban Missions team that works in London, Glasgow and Birmingham and overseeing the Regional Pioneers across the country. In particular, as part of the new national strategy, the Regional Pioneers will be supporting local Youth for Christ centres and helping churches start up youthwork where there is none. Nick said, “A hundred years ago, nearly 80% of teenagers were connected with a church, now it’s less than 3%. This number weighs heavy on my heart and this is a great opportunity to initiate change to see greater numbers of churches across the UK engage with young people again. This is both a daunting and exciting task and your prayers will be very much appreciated.”

“And yet, I am sad to say goodbye to Norwich Youth for Christ and all the staff, volunteers and you, our wonderful supporters. These last 11 years have been the greatest privilege of my working life and I have been blessed to see many young people’s lives changed by Jesus.”

“Just a few weeks ago we were experiencing our Encounter camp which felt like our best yet. Young people engaged in fun activities and games but also were asking faith questions, praying for each other, making commitments to Jesus and even an atheist professed faith –  the following week they took their whole family to church! I am in no doubt that God is doing great things and a new Director will be able to move things forward into a new season.”

It’s not goodbye just yet, as Nick’s new role starts in December. Plus, he won’t be moving away from Norwich as much of his role will be remote working.

Click to view Nick’s message on facebook

Read the full article here

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