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Norwich youth worker starts 192-mile fundraiser 

A youth worker at Oak Grove Community Church is starting a fundraising run of at least 10km on each of the first 29 days of June, and finishing with a half marathon on June 30. 


Peter Young has calculated that his sponsored run will clock up a total of at least 310,000 metres or 192 miles over the month – the same as 7.1 marathons.

Half of the funds he raises will go to Oak Grove Community Church, and half will go to Westminster Theological Centre (WTC), a theological college where he is studying for a degree in Kingdom Theology.


“The work of the Oak Grove Community Church is close to my heart,” said Peter, “and the community in which we are based has many needs, which we try to respond to whenever we can. We are showing our faith in practical and compassionate ways, especially in these challenging times. 


“Our activities include a money advice service, a toddler group, youth groups and activities, parenting support, kids clubs, school holiday clubs, a Foodbank distribution point and a free hot meal provided for any in need each week. Some of these activities have ceased or had to be adapted during to coronavirus crisis, but we are still serving and supporting local people as best we can, so I would love to raise £500 to keep as much of this work going during, and after the lockdown.”

WTC is a not-for-profit interdenominational theological college, which was established in 2006 with the vision of taking rigorous and accessible Kingdom Theology into the heart of the local church.

“I have found the course to be surprising, empowering, challenging and encouraging,” said Peter. “It had been a while since I last studied and WTC has helped me to get back into studying well. I hope to continue to get my degree in another three years and from there, well, who knows?”

WTC deliberately keeps fees low to make courses as accessible to as many students as possible. This means that the fees for all students, not just those receiving a bursary, are subsidised by £500 a year by donors who share WTC’s vision. 

“This fundraiser gives me an opportunity to put money into the college to allow others to study in the future and enjoy some of the learning that I have benefited from. I would love to match what I raise for the Church with a £500 target for WTC.”

Peter will not be shaving or cutting his beard or hair during this period, with the aim of re-enacting the scene from the film Forrest Gump, who runs for no reason (Peter obviously does have a reason). He has even got a Bubba Gump Shrimp hat like in the film and will be doing every run in the hat for a bit of fun.  

If anyone would like to donate the link is here

Pictured above is Peter Young



Read the full article here

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