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Norwich worker Abi makes book project funding plea 

A former Norwich charity worker has just launched a crowdfunding campaign to help fund a project to produce a desperately-needed series of new books for early readers in Indonesia. Keith Morris reports.

Abi Patience, who is a part of Gateway Vineyard church in Norwich, has been living in Indonesian capital Jakarta for the last seven years with her husband and two young children, working on community development projects with the urban poor.


Abi said: “We work alongside Indonesian Christians who have a heart for the poor too, supporting existing social work organisations that deliver community development and education projects.

“For over ten years our ‘I love reading’ programme has been training and equipping teachers across the country teaching children how to read. Now we are writing a brand new series of books called ‘Reading is an Adventure’ – the first that we know of in Indonesia.


“These early readers are perfect for kids who have just learnt to read and need practice. Stories about the minor adventures of normal life for Indonesian children draw children in to experience the magic of reading as they progress through four levels towards fluency.


“One new book costs around £25 to edit, £150 to illustrate and £700 to print 1000 copies. In order to print the first three titles we need to find around £2,600, so we have started a crowdfunding page to try to raise the cash.


“All profits from sales are reinvested into the programme, so by printing and selling just three new books we will be able to kick-start production of many more brand new books from a growing network of local authors,” said Abi.


You can find the crowdfunding page here and Abi would ask that you consider a donation and maybe share the link with your family and friends.


Pictured above is Abi Patience with an existing Indonesian early reading book.


Click here to read more and give online


Read the full article here

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