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Norwich student to climb Kilimanjaro for charity 

Julia Hull from St George’s parish in Sprowston, Norwich will be climbing Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania in summer 2022 to raise money for charity.

Julia is a mature student at UEA in her first year of a Psychology degree. A few weeks into starting her course she stumbled across an opportunity to support the National Autistic Society through climbing Mount Kilimanjaro, which had been on her list of places to get to one day.

As she was growing up, her family were members of the St John’s Cathedral parish. They were very much involved with Faith and Light, the network founded by Jean Vanier to support families where a member has a learning disability. 

As an adult Julia has worked in schools with children with social, emotional and behavioural challenges, some of whom were autistic. It reinforced her opinion that awareness and understanding were key. The National Autistic Society provides support to individuals and their families, but also has an aim to raise awareness and campaign for change.

“I am a little apprehensive,” said Julia. “This isn’t like anything I’ve ever done before. But the apprehension is totally outweighed by the excitement to get out there and push myself to achieve something amazing.”

Julia’s fundraising target is £2,500. All sponsorship will go to the charity, as she is paying the cost of the trip herself. You can sponsor her via:


Pictured above is Julia Hull


Eldred Willey, 04/03/2021

Read the full article here

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