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Norma’s sponsored walks for Christian charities 

Norma Broadest is embarking on two walking challenges to raise funds for Christian charities Street Child and Restoration of Hope in Burundi.


Norma, who attends St Barnabas Church, part of the STN group of churches, will be doing a sponsored walk on September 11 around the heritage sites of Norwich churches for Street Child. Donations this year are going to the Afghan Appeal to support their personnel already on the ground in Afghanistan.

Norma will repeat the walk again the following week on September 18 to raise funds and awareness of the small charity her church partners with, ‘Restoration of Hope in Burundi’.

The charity educates, homes and cares for boys from the streets, and where possible their families. The charity was started around 20 years ago by Libby Ford and Honda Nahamista. Libby has family connections in Norwich, and St Barnabas Church has continued its mission partnership with the charity.

Norma is 77, and says herself that she is ‘no spring chicken’…however, she prefers to keep active and will be counting her steps using a pedometer during each of the walks. She has been raising funds in this way for 25 years via a series of walks and sit-ins on heritage open days.

Anyone who would like to support Norma can do so on here https://www.gofundme.com/f/norwich-churches-walk-heritage-sites 


Read the full article here

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