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Norfolk podcast highlights inspirational Christians 

Occupational therapy student, Sara Kenny, from Hethersett, has launched a new podcast series to highlight the stories of inspirational Christians with a Norfolk connection.

Sara, who attends Soul Church, said that during a church fast in January 2021, God put the idea in her heart to write down her own story of finding faith and then to go on and encourage other people to do the same.

“At first, I tried to ignore it, as I had a lot on my plate personally and was studying for a degree in Occupational Therapy,” said Sara. “I also find writing challenging, so I didn’t feel qualified and there was also some fear around putting myself out there. However, God had a different plan and among other signs he sent me a scripture to read about testimony that literally jumped off the page to me. It was Psalm 22:22 – I will declare your name to my people; in the assembly I will praise You.

“Discussing wellbeing, mental health and sharing God’s love with those who feel isolated, broken or not good enough is important to me, as I believe it was what was most important to Jesus, prince of peace,” said Sara.

“In my own experience it’s been a journey and I think it’s important to keep sharing our ordinary stories and messes. Being compassionate and patient with people, avoiding judgement and criticism and walking with and loving our neighbours, trusting that God will work his purposes out in his timing and answers prayer in ways we don’t expect.

“I felt convicted and started writing my personal story of finding faith and a series of reflections through a website I set up called testify2222.com/podcast

“I very quickly decided that I wanted it to encourage other people to share their story and find a way of making that possible through the website and social media platforms,” said Sara.

“With the help of Christians from other churches including Jason Baldry at St Thomas Church, who has advised around technology, I have now recorded a couple of podcasts and put them on the website. It’s been a wonderful collaboration between Christians from different churches, not divided by walls or denominations, sharing the good news.”

The first podcast was with Vic Ready, senior pastor at Taverham Evangelical Church and tells the story of Vic’s Christian journey  from being a car salesman to a bank rep and planting a church while being a drugs rep. And his advice on starting out in church ministry.

The second is with inspirational former refugee and UEA International Development student, Erica Matasi, who is now a community development consultant and co-founder of a growing social enterprise called Love and Hands in Rwanda.



The podcast is also available on Anchor and Spotify

Pictured above is Sara Kenny.


Keith Morris, 28/07/2022

Read the full article here

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