Norfolk pastor tells of new life after healing

A retired Norfolk pastor told a Norwich audience this week how the healing power of God had given him a new lease of life – “I feel like a younger man – now I’m 78 going on 27,” said the Rev Peter Lane. Mike Wiltshire reports.
He gave his encouraging testimony at the latest inter-church regional prayer meetings for revival at Norwich Family Life Church on Monday May 14.
Peter, who for years had been totally deaf in his left ear, told how a visiting speaker at Fakenham Baptist Community Church had a “word of knowledge that someone here has problems with their left ear.”
Then, on the way home from church by car, Peter suddenly heard a pop in his left ear and realised he could hear perfectly well.
“It was a hugely reassuring experience,” said Peter, whose general health had been declining badly after his wife, Shirley, died at home last year, surrounded by their family. They had been married for 53 years and had eight grandchildren.
Since his hearing suddenly returned, Peter’s overall health and sense of well-being has greatly improved: he has received the “all-clear” about a heart problem and his arthritic knee has been healed.
Peter and his late wife, Shirley, both Londoners, met at the Queen’s Coronation in June, 1953, when three million people lined the streets of London to watch the parades. Peter was on leave from National Service with the RAF in Germany.
Later in life he became an accountant with several leading companies until both he and Shirley felt called to full-time Christian ministry. Peter trained at Spurgeon’s College, London, and later became a Baptist pastor at Fakenham and Swafham.
The next regional revival prayer meeting in Norwich will be on Monday, June 11, (venue to be announced). Meanwhile, a series of similar meetings are taking place at Fakenham, Carleton Rode and Great Yarmouth, bringing together numerous pastors and churches, praying for God to revive His church across the region.
Peter is pictured above, right, with Pastor Philip Thorne of City Church, who led the prayer meeting.
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