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Norfolk family appeal for son’s cancer fight funds 

A Norfolk family is appealing for funds to pay for private treatment for a 22-year-man who has terminal cancer and had been given just a few weeks to live. Keith Morris reports.

Jamie Batty was diagnosed with MPNST sarcoma cancer last September, after knocking his forearm and the swelling not going down. After various scans it was found that the cancer was also in both lungs and at the bottom of his spine.

After six rounds of chemotherapy, which finished five days before Christmas, in January new scans showed a tumour in his brain. Before they had a chance to discuss this with his surgeons, he was rushed into Addenbrooks where he went through six hours of emergency surgery to remove the tumour.


Jamie’s brother Luke, who has set up a GoFundMe online appeal for £10,000, wrote: “Thankfully they managed to remove all of the tumour, which was the size of a tangerine. As no more treatment can be done via the NHS, we have been looking into alternative treatments. 

“After researching alternative private treatments relating to MPNST sarcoma over the past weeks and months we have found a possible solution.  We found a very similar case to Jamie’s diagnosis / prognosis from a woman named Hope. We managed to get in contact with Hope and her husband, who have been very helpful and generous in pointing us in the right direction (the same direction they took, and they have had amazing results since).


“They did their own research and found an doctor based in Hamburg, who has dedicated his life to looking for effective treatments, and has had numerous very successful results (especially with MPNST).  


“It’s very important to state that these people who are willing to help don’t want any money – they are just willing to help and share their information. We do however need to buy medicine and supplements, and pay for scans in the coming months and after that.

“Any donation would be much appreciated. 100% of donations will be going towards the medication, diet, supplements and scans relating to this regime recommended to us,” writes Luke.

Jamie’s mum, Donna, who is a Complex Needs Coordinator with the Matthew Project in Norwich, said: “Jamie has been so courageous and had some huge battles. As a family we have all been devastated by this, it is indescribable, and Jamie’s struggle has been heart-breaking.”


If you would like to contribute to the appeal, please visit the GoFundMe page here.

Pictured above is Donna (front centre) with Jamie (front right) and their family. Picture from the Batty family.

Read the full article here

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