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New Methodist Minister for Yarmouth area 

Judith Bell has taken on leadership of five churches in the Borough of Great Yarmouth in her first role as a Methodist Minister.

Rev Judith Bell moved to Great Yarmouth just a few weeks ago, and her induction service was held on 30th August. She will be overseeing as Presbyter the Methodist churches of Newtown, Caister, Christchurch (Great Yarmouth), Magdalen Way (Gorleston) and Bradwell, working alongside Deacon Sheralee Devitt and Rev Donna Dodson.

Judith sees her new role as one of empowering and encouraging the churches to discover their skills and join in with what God is doing in the area. She explains: “I hope to support churches in reflecting how the changing social and physical landscape in the area might be an opportunity for mission, sharing the love of God with those in the communities where we are placed through action as well as words.”

Judith is taking up her first role as a Minister having completed her initial pre-ordination training at the ecumenical Queen’s Foundation in Birmingham. Her training will continue as she lives and works in the borough of Great Yarmouth, culminating in ordination in June 2025 (subject to approval by the Methodist Conference). Her current invitation to the Norfolk Broads Circuit continues beyond ordination, and so Judith expects to be in the area until at least 2028.

Judith reports that when she told people she was moving to Great Yarmouth, reactions were mixed, but she has already noticed many positive things about the town and surrounding areas, including the friendliness and the way in which small businesses are supported by local people. She and her husband Alex are enjoying getting to know the borough on walks on the beach and dunes with their 15 year old cockerpoo Molly and Judith comments that they really appreciate the natural beauty of the area. Judith enjoys knitting and crochet, and is also looking forward to being able to rediscover her love of dress-making.

Judith grew up in the Methodist church, and after a brief period away she came back to faith at the age of 17. From this time onwards she explored God’s calling as she became involved in worship-leading and preaching at university during her degree in Natural Sciences. Part of her passion for the role she is taking on is the opportunity to communicate theological truth in ways which are clear and relatable.  Judith also says that she enjoyed getting to know people and walking alongside them at her university, which established in her a love of pastoral care.

Judith has already experienced ministry in the Methodist church through her previous role as Leysian Missioner Wesley’s Chapel in London. This role incorporated a range of activities including children and youth work, pastoral care and safeguarding.

You can contact Judith on her email address: [email protected]


Anna Heydon, 18/09/2023

Read the full article here

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