West Norfolk rector brushes up his shoe-shine skills

A West Norfolk rector has been brushing up his shoe shining skills ready for Maundy Thursday – the day which marks the occasion when Jesus washed the feet of his disciples at the Last Supper.
Rev Mark Capron, Rector for Dersingham will be shining the shoes of customers and staff at the Co-Op store in Dersingham from 9am-10.30am on Maundy Thursday, April 13.
Rev Mark said: “On Maundy Thursday we remember Jesus with his friends, the disciples, sharing the Last Supper kneeling before them and washing their feet. I wanted to do something to mark this important day and I felt shining peoples shoes would be the modern day equivalent of what Jesus did.
“I am delighted that the local Co-op in Dersingham are going to enable me to shine both staff and customers shoes on this significant day.”
Odette Wood, Deputy Manager of the Co-op said: ”We are really pleased Rev Mark is doing this special event for the community here, staff and customers alike are looking forward to a thought provoking and innovative occasion as well as lots of shiny shoes!”
Pictured above, Rev Mark Capron practicing shining the shoes of Odette Wood, Deputy Manager of the Co-op store in Dersingham.
Read the full article here