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New Bishop of Theford welcomed to Norfolk

The new Bishop of Thetford was consecrated at Westminster Abbey last week followed by a service of welcome at Norwich Cathedral.

The Rt Rev Ian Bishop was consecrated as the Bishop of Thetford at Westminster Abbey last Friday, September 29.

The service was presided by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby. Before the service the bishops-designate took the Oath of Allegiance to The King’s Majesty and the Oath of Due Obedience to the Archbishop of Canterbury in the Jerusalem Chamber.

During the declaration the archbishop said: “Bishops are called to serve and care for the flock of Christ. Mindful of the Good Shepherd, who laid down his life for his sheep, they are to love and pray for those committed to their charge, knowing their people and being known by them.”

On Saturday September 30, Norwich Cathedral held a service to welcome Ian and his wife Sue.

Speaking at the announcement of his appointment, Ian Bishop said: “I want to be a pastoral bishop who comes among the people of Norfolk and Waveney with kindness and love, and an ability to listen well. am looking forward to being amongst you very much, we have very many happy memories.”

The Venerable Ian Bishop succeeds The Rt Revd Alan Winton, who retired in April 2023.

Speaking on the new bishop, The Rt Rev Graham Usher, the Bishop of Norwich said: “Ian Bishop has a pastor’s heart and an evangelist’s passion which I am sure will contribute greatly to our life together under God in the Diocese. It is a Diocese that he knows well having been a vicar of one of our rural benefices in the past. I pray that we will be a blessing to Ian and his wife Sue, as they will be a blessing to us.”

“What I want to do is tell you all about the love of God in this part of the world,” said Bishop Ian at his welcome service in Norwich.


Pictured Ian Bishop (right) at Norwich Cathedral courtesy of the Diocese of Norwich

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