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Musician creates songs for loss of a twin brother 

Norwich Christian musician Ben Lawrence is producing an album which talks openly about the loss of his twin brother Dan to cancer and the hope he has since found. Here he shares the vision.

I’m a musician and I’ve spent the last twenty or so years dabbling in various forms of creativity, playing in bands from a young age and eventually ending up working as a filmmaker and editor.

Music has always been my passion, the thing that makes me tick. Over the years certain albums and songs have become like soundtracks to my life, helping me process what I’m going through and sending me on my way to the next season. 

Growing up, my twin brother Dan and I did everything together and music was our big thing. We started learning instruments aged eleven and went on to start our own band, play gigs and record a few EP’s.

One morning in our mid-twenties, about a month before Dan was due to get married, I found him having a seizure in his bed. He was disorientated and took some time to come back around. After several months of tests and a biopsy, we found out that Dan had a stage four brain tumour. He had chemo and radiotherapy, which helped for some time, but in November 2016, he passed away.

O Wide World, is my story of finding hope after such devastating circumstances. It’s an album of songs that talk honestly and openly about grief, my struggle with mental health and what it’s like losing a brother so young. It’s raw, it’s real and it’s something I hope will really connect with those who need to hear it. You can catch some of the sounds on the video below.

Along the way, I’ll be involving friends and family, having them sing or play on the album and including them in the process. This album means a lot to a lot of people and I want to make sure that those who knew Dan and have walked with me get a chance to be a part of this. 

All of the funding will go towards making this album. I will not be receiving any payment for my time spent creating this project.

I have released a demo version of my song ‘Moving’ that people can listen to via my Youtube Channel. This song was the first I wrote after Dan died.


I will be posting regular updates on my dedicated album website. We are doing an album fundraising gig at Sprowston Methodist Church at 7pm on October 30 and tickets can be purchased on the website.


The link to my Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign is here.

Thank you so much for being involved, whatever you can give will go towards making this once in a lifetime project. It’s your album as well – so let’s make this together! 

Pictured above is Ben Lawrence


Eldred Willey, 21/10/2021

Read the full article here

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