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John’s ‘Pastor in Peril’ blog

A Norwich pastor has started a blog to document some of the lessons he has learned in his 75 years of life and ministry.

The Rev Dr John Clements is believed to be one of the oldest serving pastors in Norwich. He says that having reached the age of 75 and survived oesophageal cancer and being the pastor of the oldest non-conformist chapel in Norwich, which was founded in 1643, he felt God was calling him to write a book on his reflections.

John is a published author, and his current literary agent suggested that, instead of writing another book, to write a blog which could be turned into a book. He hopes to reflect on his Christian faith and life experiences and prays that this might be a help and encouragement to others. 

Rev Clements blog can be found here: https://www.drjohnclements.com/category/a-pastor-in-peril/

Read the full article here

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