Sheringham soul space – time to reflect

The churches from Sheringham recently set up an interactive prayer room for a week at Sheringham High School to provide an opportunity for the students to reflect and pray. Tony Rothe reports.
Known as “Soul Space”, the objective was to deliver some lessons in Philosophy and Ethics about Christian prayer. This year had a focus on the amount of displaced people in the world and one reflection involved packing a bag of essential items you might need when being forced to flee home.
The prayer space took place in the drama studio, and students were invited to engage and take part in different prayer activities including I’m sorry cards, a prayer wall and the opportunity to hook a thankful duck.
There was also the opportunity for students to sign a petition supporting the Trussell Trusts Hunger Free Future campaign by drawing a face on a tea towel, right. This will be presented by students to the local MP Duncan Baker in the autumn.
Students said the space made them feel, relaxed, peaceful, and calm while the teachers fed back that they had seen both improvement in behaviour and had positive interactions with students after they experienced a Soul Space session.
This is part of the wider prayer spaces in schools network and a great opportunity to think, reflect and pray whilst showing Christian faith to young people of many backgrounds who may not have previously experienced church.
Vicky Harrison, from the Soul Space planning team, said “The students reacted with excitement at the lessons and many had thoughtful and moving responses, including that they felt they were able to explore Christian faith and the nature of God and prayer. It’s a real opportunity and privilege to engage with young people in this way, and the team are thankful for the support and prayers of the wider church as they take part in this outreach.”
The photos are courtesy of Vicky Harrison.
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Tony Rothe, 15/07/2022
Read the full article here