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Covid-19 survivor praises the Norfolk and Norwich 

A 79-year-old woman who has recovered from the Covid-19 virus after treatment at the Norfolk and Norwich hospital says that she cannot praise NHS staff highly enough.

Julie Barker from North Walsham, who is a member of the Norfolk Healing Rooms team, recovered from the virus after a week’s treatment at the hospital. She was vulnerable even before she went in, having earlier fought off cancer of the oesophagus.


Julie, who herself is a former nurse, had developed a reputation at Norfolk Healing Rooms for being a quiet background person. “Normally she prefers just to make the tea and pray,” said Ray Scorey, Director of the healing rooms team. On this occasion, however, she had plenty to say about the NHS team.


“They were really, really nice people,” she said. 


Julie caught the virus at the end of March, but she didn’t realise that she had it. “My children all realised that there was something the matter before I did,” she said.


“My son Michael told me to ring 111. I thought they would take at least a day to come, so I didn’t rush.


“I was having a wash when there was a knock at door. I went down in my dressing gown and there were two ambulancemen. They got down my bag, put some clothes in it, and found my mobile and charger.


“I wasn’t really worried. When we got to the Norfolk and Norwich, they gave me a blood test, and then put me on some drugs, which went on for a week. The staff were very kind, and they gave me clean clothes and bedclothes every day.


“I was in a six-bed ward, and there was a good atmosphere. Staff would put on an apron, gloves and mask before they came in, and then bin them as they left. I decided I must be there to pray for the others.


“After a week or so I was told I could go home. It was only when I was sitting at home with a cup of tea, and I turned on the television, that I realised people died from the virus. I wouldn’t have been so laid back if I had known at the time.


“The hospital was so good,” said Julie, who is now back doing her gardening. “I really can’t praise them highly enough.”

Image by Anh Nguy?n Duy from Pixabay 

Read the full article here

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