Chance to join prayer initiative for Norwich City Council

An initiative has been launched to pray regularly for Norwich City Council, its work and meetings and an appeal launched to find Christians who might be interested in joining a group.
Ian Fifield, from St Stephen’s Church in Norwich, is behind the idea: “The objective of the project is to organise a group of interested Christians from different churches to come together and pray for specific meetings at Norwich City Council.
“The purpose of the prayer sessions is to ask God’s Holy Spirit to be with councillors and officers as they meet in order that they can make good decisions. The group will not seek to amend or influence the actual decisions either directly or indirectly. We are not making any form of political statement here.”
“To start the project full council meetings will be covered, but it would be ideal if Cabinet meetings could also be covered,” said Ian.
“We held a first meeting held at St Stephens in advance of the September 26 meeting. Prayers over the agenda and for a general blessing on the meeting were said, also prayers that people would ‘disagree graciously’.”
If you are interested in finding out more you can contact Ian at [email protected]
People would be asked to provide an email of support from their church leader before actually joining the group.
Read the full article here