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Angus fights modern slavery with triathlon 

13-year-old Angus Brighouse has recently completed an adult sprint distance triathlon to raise funds to help fight against modern slavery.

Over the last year, Angus has taken part in a 25-mile bike ride; joined the Freeze for Freedom event by swimming in the sea at Sheringham in February and, in mid-July, completing the triathlon beginning with an 800m swim in Whitlingham Lake, cycling 18km, and finishing with a very hot 5km run.


Angus has been raising money for the work of Blue Bear, a high quality coffee company where all the profits are donated to the fight against modern slavery. He said, “I wanted to do an adult distance triathlon and decided that I could do it and raise money to help other people who don’t have the freedom that I have.”


Modern slavery is a global crime, affecting over 40 million people across the globe. Seven in every ten victims of modern slavery worldwide are women and girls, they are often tricked or forced into sex slavery. Circumstances such as poverty, war and migration leave them vulnerable to predators. Blue Bear provides an excellent example of a successful not-for-profit business offering slavery-free supply chains whilst raising awareness and funds for partner charities working directly with survivors, such as Lily House.


Angus has raised several hundred pounds for Blue Bear, which will be donated to Lily House, one of Blue Bear’s partner charities in the Dominican Republic. Lily House is an aftercare home, offering refuge, healing and stability to young women and girls who have been abused in sex slavery. 


Bryn Frere-Smith, founder of Blue Bear said “We are so encouraged by Angus’ decision to raise money and awareness for Blue Bear.  I know that the girls and young women we support in the Dominican Republic will be blessed to know that a boy in Norfolk is conducting his first triathlon to aid in their recovery and help protect other children from suffering the same injustice of modern slavery and exploitation. Go Angus go!”


If you would like to support the work of Blue Bear please follow this link.


To discover more about the origins and work of Blue Bear Coffee, read our previous story here.


The photo of Angus above is courtesy of Kerry Brighouse, Angus’ mum.


Tony Rothe, 25/07/2022

Read the full article here

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