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Andy toughs it through mud for Norfolk kids work 

Andy Jones ran a marathon recently to bring in funds for Raise, the Norfolk kids charity which works in churches and schools to help 5-11 year-olds encounter Jesus. 

Andy Jones (41), who is Director of Operations at Raise, completed the full marathon at the Medal Chaser in Haughley Park in Suffolk.


“I did it!” said Andy. “It was very windy, muddy and more hilly than I expected. I did the marathon (my first) in 4:48 and I didn’t walk once.”


Andy has been in full-time children and youth ministry since 2002. Originally from Stockport near Manchester, he came to Norfolk straight from university in Leeds after he felt called by God. He worked in North Norfolk as a Children and Youth Pastor for three years then moved to Norwich to work at Norwich Youth for Christ as a children and youth worker. 


After eight years working for Hope Community Church in Wymondham he felt called to set up Raise Kids Work (Raise), a Wymondham-based Christian Children’s Charity that seeks helps children to encounter Jesus for themselves. Raise seeks to be engaging, innovative and inclusive. Before Lockdown, Raise was active in over 30 schools across the region, delivering assemblies, Easter, Christmas and Big Story Experience Days and Walk through the Bible lessons. It also delivered various kids’ events and Sunday sessions for a number of churches.

Andy never used to be a runner. In fact, before doing the couch to 5K about a year and a half ago he said that he would never run and that he hated it. After achieving the couch to 5K he decided to do the 5K to 10K plan. During lockdown he continued to run and then at the end of July Andy’s Mum suddenly died. This was devastating to him and his family and running helped him with navigating through such a hard time. He knows his Mum is in a better place but misses her immensely every day. It was after his Mum died that he decided to enter the Medal Chaser event – a “run as far as you can within 6 hours” event.


You can still sponsor Andy at  www.give.net/andyrunsamarathonforraise


You can find out more about Raise Kids Work at www.raisekidswork.org.uk  




Eldred Willey, 05/11/2020

Read the full article here

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