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Youth for Christ completes gaming marathon 

Norwich Youth for Christ has raised £2,418 though a sponsored 24 hours of streaming and gaming. Nick Blanch reports.

We did it! Highlights included a repertoire of dances, wearing a banana costume, playing blindfolded, eating chilli’s, playing upside down, two Joe Wicks workouts and to finish off, a very tired and out-of-tune rendition of ‘Oh Happy Day’.

I so wish I could share the YouTube stream and highlights, but unfortunately, I learnt afterwards that YouTube does not save anything live that is over 12 hours. If I can find any footage, then I will send it out.

It was exhausting, a lot of fun but perhaps crucially we had young people with us almost the entire time. Joining in with the games, dialogue and even raising their own sponsorship. 

You may wonder why we play computer games with young people and how this could be ‘ministry’. The reality is that it is much more than just the games. It’s about building relationship, community and introducing them to the person of Jesus. Here’s what the young people themselves say about our gaming work:

“My favourite part of the community is how people like us who many have never seen or heard of each other before this can get together and just have a fun time and talk like they’ve been friends for ages. It also positively impacts mental health as if you are feeling lonely there is a time where you can get together and all talk together.”

“I enjoy the gaming community because there is always something to do. I especially enjoy the live streams and the minecraft server. Everyone on the server is so happy and the volunteers and staff are always happy to play.”

This is just one aspect of our work, but it is a growing community that God seems to be blessing at the moment. With restrictions easing there is more of our wider work developing again so I will update you in due course, but for now I just want to say thanks again for all your support.




Eldred Willey, 09/06/2021

Read the full article here

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