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Warm welcome at Norwich Christian-run guesthouse

Local Christian Loren runs a bed and breakfast business just outside Norwich and has has many opportunities to share her faith over the years. She is keen to pass the business on to somebody who will continue the work she has built up. 

Loren Brown [pictured above] runs the business from her home in Hethersett and, along with her husband Ray, has hosted people from all over the world over the past eight years. She believes it is one of the best jobs around and is keen for the business she has built to continue in the future. Loren is a committed Christian but does not advertise the business as conected to faith in any way as she wants all people to feel very welcome. 

She said, “I have had to brush up on my qur’an and get an understanding of buddhism, catholicism, zionism, secularism  etc as I never know who is going to walk through our door, especially as we are recommended by the Norfolk and Norwich hospital, so some people will come here in great anxiety….  I have a great affinity for atheists as that’s my ‘roots.’”

On a visit to the UK, a pastor from new Zealand felt led to book in at Hethersett Lodge, and enjoyed the liberty in the unthreatening environment to talk about personal issues.

Some guests unburden themselves to Loren and enjoy the chance to talk about different perspectives of faith. And of course there are the people who just need to rest and recuperate and want silence.

HethersettLodgeLoren said, “In my opinion, running this small bed and breakfast in Norwich is one of the best jobs in the world – which sometimes includes a ‘second opinion’ on just about everything, especially alternative health and wellbeing”  – Loren was extremely unwell 15 years ago and found her own way back to abundant health using natural ingredients, some mentioned in the Bible– “so I love every minute of every day.”

Loren delights in receiving ‘thank you’ cards from all over the world and describes this as the ‘icing on the cake’. 

Details of Hethersett Lodge can be found herewww.hethersettlodge.com

Loren said, “If you have a calling to take over this wonderful business, please let me know as we will be downsizing shortly and would love to see everything we have built up, go on as long as possible.” email [email protected] or call 01603 813577

Read the full article here

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