St Thomas church takes on second Norwich site
St Thomas Church in Norwich has announced it is taking on St Alban’s in Lakenham as its second site from June, as part of a long-term community-focused vision.
Ian Dyble, previously a curate at Holy Trinity Brompton (HTB), home of the Alpha course, moved to Norfolk with his wife Jo to become Priest in Charge of St Thomas’ in 2013. HTB is one church that operates from four sites, each with a different focus. St Thomas’ plans to use this model as they establish in Norwich and they plan to use the site in Lakenham for community outreach. Ian said, “St Albans offers an excellent base, close to St Thomas, to establish a new presence in the city and build new friendships in a new locality.”
This second site will be used to focus on midweek ministry and outreach particularly to City College, Hewett school, and the arts and sports communities and the city centre, focused around a cafe ministry.
Associate Vicar Dave Lloyd, along with his wife Anna will establish the activities at St Albans, which will include a new Sunday service at 4.30pm and midweek ministries. Edward Land, with his wife Heather and their son Barnaby, will return to Norfolk after studying in Bristol, to join the team as a curate at the end of June.
The children’s ministry at St Thomas’ has seen dramatic growth and the church plan to appoint a full time children’s leader to develop, co-ordinate and lead the children and family’s ministry across the two sites.
Ian said, “It is so good to be on this adventure of faith together as we see the city, the county and the nation impacted with the good news of Jesus.”
Dave said, “We’re so excited about the future. St Albans will be a place devoted to making new disciples…it will be a place where we can serve the city in creative and imaginative ways – whether it’s pilates and prayer, or a youth drop-in or Sports Alpha – It will be a place where people can come and explore faith on their own terms in their own time.”
Pictured above: Dave Lloyd outside St Alban’s Church
Click on the clip below to find out more about St Thomas’ plans
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