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St Francis Norwich declares a climate emergency 

St Francis Day was especially important for the church of St Francis, which nestles at the heart of the Heartsease parish in Norwich. Jim Green reports.

Following on from months of exploration and discernment, the church decided that this would be the perfect occasion to make a formal Declaration of a Climate Emergency.


With the wholehearted support of the entire church family, the Declaration was formally announced and then signed by all who were present, with the express intent of sending the document to the Prime Minister to ensure that he and his government are aware that this is an issue of great importance to ordinary everyday folk, everywhere.


Following on from the service and declaration the Vicar, Rev Janet Wyer, said, “I am deeply moved by the commitment and support that St Francis church has shown in embracing the need for immediate and urgent action in terms of making this Declaration of a Climate Emergency. It is our fervent hope that other churches and organisations will also make this a priority so as to urge those in positions of responsibility and power to take immediate action to halt the damage that is being inflicted on our God given earth and upon our brothers and sisters who live in places endangered by the effects of climate change.”

This is part of the journey on the Eco Church scheme, and the next step is to draw up a six-month plan in order to embed the declaration in our church life.


If you would like to join St Francis Church in their efforts to make sustainable and eco-friendly living a reality for everyone, please visit our website www.stfrancisheartsease.co.uk for contact details. 


Pictured above are some of the members of St Francis church.



Eldred Willey, 14/10/2021

Read the full article here

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