Sprowston Churches Together launch Filling Station

Local churches in Sprowston are working together to run a new monthly Filling Station based at the Sprowston Manor Marriott Hotel, in order to serve the expanding population from new housing developments in the area.
Sprowston Churches Together has successfully launched a new Filling Station monthly celebration meeting at the Sprowston Manor Marriott Hotel on the first Wednesday of every month.
Kirsty Deary, Networker for Wroxham Road Methodist Church said: “The Sprowston Filling Station is an ecumenical venture of the local Sprowston churches working together within the community.
“With the large quantity of new housing in mind, it aims to serve and refresh members of existing congregations and church leaders, but also those seeking answers to the meaning of life or wishing to learn more about the Christian faith.
“Meetings are spiritual but informal and presented in a manner that those outside the church would feel comfortable.”
The popular Filling Station model promises informal evenings of celebration, offering high quality speakers and teachers, contemporary sung worship and powerful, accessible prayer ministry.
This is the fourth Filling Station that has started in Norfolk alongside others based in the Norfolk Broads, North Norfolk and Yare Valley.
Guest speaker Rev Paul Niemiec will speak at the next Sprowston Filling Station on Wednesday, July 5, 7.30pm on the theme of ‘Flourishing Through Discipleship’.
The evening is free with complementary coffee and cake. All are welcome.
For more information please contact Kirsty Deary, Networker for Wroxham Road Methodist Church, by email at [email protected] or Andy Bunter, Student Minister for Sprowston Parish on [email protected].
The Filling Station in Sprowston will meet on the first Wednesday of every month except August.
Sprowston Manor Marriott Hotel, Sprowston, NR7 8RP
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