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Soul Church given five more years at Norwich home 

Soul Church in Norwich was granted a further five years at its home on Mason Road by City Council planners today (August 10).

Led by senior pastors Jon and Chantel Norman, the church was formed two years as the successor to the former Norwich Family Life Church. It has since grown to a Sunday congregation of around 1000-1200 across three services.

Jon said: “Planning permission to stay at Mason Road has been granted, praise God. All our current activities will be able to remain based there for youth, kids and our love in action programme.”

Norwich Family Life Church left its Mount Zion location on Heartsease Road in 2006 when it was destroyed in a fire.

It moved first to Drayton Hall and then to the former MFI warehouse in Barker Street, and finally, in 2010, to Mason Road, off Mile Cross Lane.

In 2013, planning permission was secured for a replacement church building in Heartsease Lane but permission was recently sought from Norwich City Council to extend use of the Mason Road building.

Today’s council planning committee granted temporary planning permission at Mason Road for a further five years.

In a report to councillors, officers said: “Whilst the site is not considered ideal in terms of transport sustainability and is located within an area designated for employment purposes, regard is had to the circumstances of the church which requires temporary accommodation for a further period of time whilst funds are raised for permanent relocation to more suitable premises in the future.

“Although a small number of objections have been received on the grounds of noise disturbance the church has committed to fully implementing recommendations within the noise report and carrying out ongoing noise management to ensure impacts on neighbouring occupiers are minimised.”

Read Soul Church’s latest Annual Report.


Read the full article here

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