Bishop’s Garden to open in support for charities

The Bishop of Norwich and his wife are opening their garden to raise money for charity, and for the public to visit this peaceful oasis in the middle of our fine city.
The first opening date is Sunday April 18 and will raise money for the Diocese of Norwich’s Lent Appeal. The Lent Appeal this year is part of the Archbishop of Canterbury’s ‘Together in Unity’ appeal to support churches and communities around the world during the pandemic. The initiative works to provide income support, facilities for basic hygiene, equipment to slow the spread of the virus and food security.
Speaking about the appeal Bishop Graham writes:
“I have been so inspired by the response of churches and individuals in our diocese during the Covid-19 pandemic. Now I’m asking us all to turn our thoughts to our sisters and brothers in some of the poorest communities around the world by supporting this year’s Lent Appeal. The pandemic has put a great strain on those who are already vulnerable, and as usual, it is they who suffer most. I invite you to be Jesus’ hands and feet in offering assistance through the Archbishop’s Together in Unity Appeal.”
Admission to the garden for this event will be free, though donations for the appeal would be greatly appreciated. There will also be the opportunity to purchase plants and honey using a contactless card, or cash-in-bucket system.
Social distancing, a one-way system and hand sanitising will all be observed on the day and numbers will be strictly limited. There will be gaps for the Bishop’s House team to clean chairs and handrails.
Unfortunately, no catering will be provided but visitors are welcome to bring your own picnic. Based on the current government plans for that period picnics must be limited to six people or two households.
To book your tickets, or to find out about other events in the Garden later in the year, please visit:
These plans are subject to change depending on coronavirus restrictions at the time.
Pictured above is the Bishop’s Garden
Eldred Willey, 22/03/2021
Read the full article here