Norwich YFC boosts youth work encounters
Despite pandemic lockdown restrictions Norwich Youth For Christ increased its contacts with young people both in person and online in the last year.
Director Nick Blanch wrote: “I wasn’t expecting too much, knowing how much time we spent in lockdown. In fact, we had 4,999 engagements with young people! Not only that but 4,151 of these engagements included us sharing our faith! Wow! We also had 173 individual conversations with young people specifically about faith.
“It’s a huge improvement on the year before and mainly comes because of the work we put into creating a stronger digital presence. Our YouTube channel also experienced growth with over 31,018 views, an increase of 52% from the year before. Our subscriber base also went up by 126, a 100% increase on the year before,” said Nick.
NYFC have also just launched its first music EP on Spotify, with three tracks from its music group The Jam. Click here to hear them: Our Spotify Page!
“We’re excited by this evidence of growth despite the difficult times we have been in and we are looking forward to creating a stronger overlap between our physical and digital youthwork this year,” said Nick. “A great example of this was our Encounter summer camp, where some of our gaming group attended and it was their first time of meeting each other in real life.”
The Christian charity has also launched a brand new Mousehold youth club. Running every Thursday from Mousehold Hub the club includes games and activities as well as faith sharing opportunity.
NYFC is also co-hosting the Global Leadership Summit with Lighthouse Community Church in Sheringham.
This year the GLS is on November 12 and is an online experience with live facilitation provided locally. You can book here at £79 per person.
Pictured above is NYFC’s Encounter Youth Camp.
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