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Norwich City Council backs moving livestock market

Livestock has been sold at market in Norwich for over 700 years, with a site next to Norwich Castle being used from 1738 until it was relocated to Hall Road in 1960. An Act of Parliament in 1984 mandated that the authority needed to provide a site for a livestock market within the city. Previous attempts to change the law and allow for a move have been unsuccessful, but the council is hopeful that they will now be able to obtain a mandate to pursue a private bill through Parliament. The bill would ensure that any new market would be similar to the existing one, located nearby, and close to major roads like the A11 or A47 so that livestock producers could continue to attend a local market.

The proposed private bill would ensure that the new livestock market matches the existing one and is conveniently located near major roads for easy access by livestock producers. This move is important to maintain the tradition of selling livestock in Norwich, as it has been done for centuries. The council’s hope is that by obtaining a mandate to pursue the bill through Parliament, they will be able to secure a suitable site for the market that meets all necessary criteria. This would allow for a smooth transition and continuation of the livestock market in Norwich.

By relocating the livestock market to a new site that meets modern requirements and is conveniently located for producers, the council aims to preserve the tradition of selling livestock in the city. The proposed bill seeks to ensure that the new market will be similar to the existing one, maintaining the same standards and opportunities for livestock producers. By pursuing this private bill through Parliament, the council hopes to secure a suitable site that allows for the continuation of the market and ensures that producers can easily access the new location.

Overall, the council’s efforts to pursue a private bill to relocate the livestock market in Norwich aim to uphold the long-standing tradition of selling livestock in the city while also meeting modern requirements for accessibility and convenience. By securing a site that matches the existing market and is easily accessible for producers, the council hopes to ensure a smooth transition and continued success of the livestock market in Norwich. This move is seen as essential to maintaining the local agricultural industry and the livelihoods of livestock producers in the area.

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