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Norwich church volunteers pack bags of kindness 

Volunteers from Gateway Vineyard church in Norwich have been busy spreading Christmas cheer by donating and packing almost 300 Bags of Kindness for those in special need. The church members have put together 287 food hampers and gift bags, which will be distributed to families at various locations in Norwich, such as Thorpe High School, English Plus, Growkids, and the CAMEO group, as well as to other individuals nominated by the church sites in Norwich, Hellesdon, and Beccles. This project, called Love Christmas, is part of a national initiative run by the Church Revitalisation Trust and administered by HTB church in London. Organiser Zosia Knight stated that the Bags of Kindness will be reaching far and wide across the city and beyond, with the aim of bringing cheer and encouragement to those in special need during the holiday season.

The project includes food hampers that are being distributed to various groups and organizations, as well as to individuals in need, providing assistance with grocery needs. Additionally, there are gift bags containing goodies, intended to encourage the recipients. The church recognizes that while Christmas is a time of celebration, there are many people who struggle during this period, and the project seeks to address this by providing practical assistance. As part of their ongoing compassion activities in the community, the church believes in the importance of showing love, kindness, and generosity in practical ways, especially during the holiday season. Love Christmas, now in its fourth year, is a collaborative effort involving churches, businesses, schools, and other organizations, with the goal of promoting kindness and connection over anxiety and isolation, and reaching out to those who are struggling or alone.

Love Christmas is a network of churches working in local communities, offering support to individuals and families in need, regardless of their faith or lack thereof. In addition to the Bags of Kindness project, Gateway Vineyard will be hosting a series of Christmas services. The church’s commitment to compassion and community outreach is evident in their involvement in various activities throughout the year. The church believes in the importance of demonstrating love, kindness, and generosity in practical ways, which they see as a reflection of the model set by Jesus—especially during the holiday season. This effort is indicative of the church’s dedication to supporting and uplifting their community in times of need.

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