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Norwich church opens new community and social hub

The newly opened community hub on Mason Road, run by Soul church is already seeing an influx of people from the local community taking part in a range of activities.


Godwins House is located close to the current premises of Soul Church and it is a venue for activities for all ages and a range of support outreaches for those in need of a helping hand.   


Former Premiership footballer Linvoy Primus was at the opening ceremony and the ribbon was cut by 18-year old YMCA resident Jasmine Mickleburgh. The hub is part of SOUL Foundation, a local initiative that works in partnership with other charities to bring hope, dignity, practical help, food and friendship to the vulnerable across the city.


Jon Norman, from SOUL Foundation, said, “We’re so excited to be able to open our doors to the community. There’s so much need in our city and we hope that this will be a place where people can come to feel safe and supported. We’d like to say a huge thank you to everyone who has worked on the project so far, including residents from YMCA Norfolk, members of our homeless community and young people from SOUL Youth.”


Godwins House will be used for after school clubs, homework clubs and a youth drop in, as well as sewing cafes, knit and natter sessions, job clubs, financial budgeting sessions and mental health awareness and support groups.


Groups and sessions will be held on the ground floor of Godwins House, with a chill-out area upstairs where people can come and relax, make new friends, read books from the in-house library or play board games.


If you’d like to find out more about the outreach programmes run by SOUL Foundation and their partners, please visit www.soulfoundation.co.uk.



Read the full article here

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