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Norwich church lifeline for those in debt 

Surrey Chapel is giving out Christmas hampers to families and individuals in need, through its Debt Centre, to support them over the festive period.


The Norwich Central branch of Christians Against Poverty (CAP) based at Surrey Chapel offers free debt help to local people facing money problems.

Julia Morrish, Norwich Central CAP Debt Centre Manager, said: “We know that this time of year can be particularly tough for families facing debt.


Christmas presents, food and activities all add up, and this is on top of ongoing costs like rent, heating and electricity.


This in turn leads to higher levels of anxiety and stress at a time when families want to be celebrating.


This year in particular, we wanted to show our clients that we really care about them and their families.  We hope that our CAP hampers will enable those we support to celebrate Christmas in a small way.  They are not alone, and these small gifts are a reminder of that over this festive season.


“Our team is here to help with debt problems throughout the year via our CAP Debt Help service.  As we’re local we can also support clients practically too.


“This includes linking clients up with local food banks, arranging emergency shops, emergency fuel, support, encouragement and a friendly voice at the end of a phone.


Norwich supermarket Morrisons (Riverside) has supported Julia and her team, giving donations for the hampers.  Geoff Nicholls, Community Champion for the store said: “We are very happy to support Christians Against Poverty in making up the hampers, and I hope everyone has a Happy Christmas.” 


Julia added: “We are really grateful to Geoff and to Morrisons (Riverside) for their generosity.  It’s wonderful to see a local supermarket reaching out to help some of our city’s most vulnerable families.”


Since the pandemic hit, the CAP Debt Help service has adapted its service to follow social distancing guidelines to keep clients, staff and volunteers safe, but is still offering its award winning debt help along with unique support, across the local area.


If you are struggling with debt and need help, get in contact with CAP today on 0800 328 0006 or visit capuk.org.

Pictured: Geoff Nicholls (Community Champion, Morrisons Riverside) handing a Christmas hamper to Sam (CAP Befriender)


Helen Baldry, 22/12/2020

Read the full article here

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