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Norwich Christians gear up for big climate protest 

Norwich Christian climate activists are encouraging local Christians to join a national climate action protest and will explain it with a local church event.

From 2-3pm on Sunday March 19, Christian Climate Action will be giving a presentation at St Stephen’s Norwich, NR2 1QP.

This will introduce a nation event from April 21 to 24 when Christian Climate Action (CCA) is inviting Christians to stand up and be counted, to be a part of a peaceful mobilisation calling on the government to take action on the climate emergency that threatens our planet home. CCA is working with other Christian Charities, including Green Christian and Operation Noah. 

Secular groups such as Extinction Rebellion are also involved. The ethos of the action is in line with a promise by Extinction Rebellion to move away from tactics which primarily disrupt the public and instead focus on an approach which allows for mass participation and demonstrates the growing public support for action. 

The action will be underpinned by worship.


Here’s a taster of some of the things that CCA and others are planning:

On Friday April 21 protestors are gathering at St John’s Church, Waterloo at 11am for worship at noon led together with Christian NGO’s such as Green Christian, Operation Noah, Christian Aid, The Student Christian Movement, Cafod, and Tearfund. This will be followed by a walk of pilgrimage to the protest outside Parliament. 

On Saturday April 22, they are gathering at the protest at Parliament at 11am for worship at noon focused on racial and climate justice, led by Black Majority Churches. There will also be a Catholic Mass at 3pm. 

On Sunday April 23 they are gathering at the protest at Parliament at 11am for worship at noon led by young people whose future is in the balance. There will also be an Anglican Eucharist at 3pm. 

On Monday April 24 they are gathering at the protest at Parliament at 11am for worship at noon led by Christian Climate Action looking to the future. 

Each day there will be community and creativity, prayer and song and care for creation. 

Rev Dr Fiona Haworth, Associate Priest at St Peter Mancroft, Norwich, said: “In the Judaeo-Christian tradition, time and again scriptures assert that the earth is good. Many of the psalms tell us that the earth is God’s and all that is in it, all created and sustained by God’s care…Yet we have begun to see the earth and all that is in it not as gift, but as a commodity, there to be used at our convenience.”


Jane Cubitt, of St Francis Church, Norwich, said: “I feel unbearably sad about the damage we have done and continue to do to our beautiful, incredibly amazing and priceless home amongst the stars and for every living thing, person, creature, plant that has suffered and is suffering. What are we doing?”


To find out more, or to discuss members of CCA Norfolk coming to your church to talk about ‘The Big One’ contact : [email protected]. More details on the CCA website: christianclimateaction.org/the-big-one 

Link for coach tickets to London:


Return ticket is £10 waged and £5 unwaged, or as you can afford. 

Pictured above is Norwich climate activist Jim Green from Christian Climate Action.





Eldred Willey, 06/03/2023

Read the full article here

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