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Norwich Christian recording studio is on the road

Norwich Youth For Christ (NYFC) launched Tracks on September 20, a van converted into a professional mobile recording studio for young people.

Helen Baldry reports

The commissioning service for Tracks was held at St Paul’s Church gardens in Hellesdon where supporters, trustees, staff, volunteers and young people gathered to see the studio in action for the first time. Supporters of the charity enjoyed a barbeque, live music  and said prayers of blessing over the project, led by NYFC patron Bishop Graham James.

Tracks will work in schools to support vulnerable, disengaged and disaffected young people. By using music to raise self-esteem, aspirations and achievements, the hope is to see young people motivated and re-engage with their education.

Trackscutting ribbonTracks will also enable young people to develop worship leading skills and give them experience to future employment – whether that be as a musician, a sound engineer, media expert or DJ.

Nick Blanch, director of Norwich Youth for Christ said, “This is an incredible moment for us.” He explained that the vision for Tracks had been carried by NYFC youth worker Sarah Ballard for two years, and after facing many practical challenges the team is delighted that the studio is now ready. The fact that the studio is mobile means that the outreach work can be brought to the young people, and it ties in well with NYFC’s school work.

Sarah Ballard thanked the funders and those who donated via crowdfunding and those who undertook their own fundraising activities to provide the £55,000 to purchase and equip the van. She said, “It’s feeling a bit surreal to be standing in front of the finished van. It also feels incredibly exciting to get this project on the road.”

The van will be used to support the work of NYFC in schools and youth clubs, but it will also hired out to community groups, churches as it is possible to cable out into a bigger venue.

TracksinsidevanBishop Graham James prayed for the project. He spoke about the power of music as a way of reaching young people and giving them confidence and creative expression. He said that Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life, “Jesus is the true track that we want young people in this generation to follow.”

Pictured Top: live music. Right: Bishop Graham cutting the ribbon and Below: inside the van

Read the full article here

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