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Norwich Christian holiday clubs in demand

Norwich Christian youth project ENYP is known for its successful holiday clubs and they have more set for the Easter holidays.


During the school holidays ENYP delivers its ‘EQUIP’ holiday programmes for children in primary school.  EQUIP has been running for over five years and is held across the city in different locations to provide accessible activities for children during the school holidays in their local areas. 

They are regularly approached by statutory services for children to take up the places and there are hundreds of children who have attended in the last year.


Danny Doran-Smith, ENYP Director, said, “Our EQUIP holiday programmes have always been popular as they provide some fun engagement activities for children in the school holidays.  We deliver these in different city locations making them accessible for children to take part, and we receive some great feedback from parents”.


ENYPequipCF2Each time EQUIP offers different themed activities and workshops based around arts and crafts; cookery; sports and games; as well activities in the local community.

Equip Easter holiday Clubs

The next Equip holiday programmes for boys and girls in school years 1 to 7:

  • Tuesday 29th March: St Elizabeth’s Church, Earlham

  • Wednesday 30th March: Marlpit Community Centre

  • Thursday 7th April & Friday 8th April  St Cuthberts Church, Sprowston


Click here for more information and a booking form

Read the full article here

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