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Norwich Christian charity’s new after school club 

ENYP has launched a new after school club in Heartsease, offering  fun, safe and wholesome activities to children and young people.



ENYP’s Defenders clubs are after school clubs, which help children to unwind after school through fun, wholesome and creative activities where they learn underlying moral principles to support them as they grow up. They are encouraged to think about their community, their friendships, the environment and to ‘defend’ different causes. The club is delivered from Pilling Park Community Centre on alternate Fridays from 3.45pm to 5pm and is also supported by Heartsease Lane Methodist Church.


As a charity ENYP has initiatives across Norfolk and neighbouring counties, and the heart of the provision is to work at local level within communities.  The opportunity to set up a new club is part of ENYP’s five key areas of development strategy of bringing entry points within a community to engage with children and their families.  ENYP has a number of Defenders clubs across the county to help provide afterschool provision for children in primary school.


The first session of Defenders at Pilling Park Community Centre went well and feedback from the parents, children and community centre was particularly encouraging and positive. One parent said “it’s really good to have a club on the estate which caters for the different school ages”.  Children said; “I like it all because its fun” and “amazing!”


Guido Baldassarre, Chair of Pilling Park Community Centre, said “on behalf of the Community Centre a special thanks, the community are pleased and to have all those children turn up on the first day was lovely. Most of all to see the beautiful smiles on their faces, this is a joy and a pleasure. I hope we can carry on this work together to bring joy and unity and most importantly happiness, smiles and bright futures for this lovely community”.

Danny Doran-Smith, Director of ENYP, shared “ENYP’s heart is always about working with the community and organisations to help provide positive activities for children and young people to enjoy.  We’re really encouraged the launch of this club has received such positive feedback from children, parents and the Community Centre, and we look forward to seeing this build in the future”.


For more information on ENYP please visit – www.enyp.org.uk and for the dates of this club click on the ‘Defenders group’ page.


Pictured: some of the children enjoying the new club

Read the full article here

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