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Norfolk pebble pledge project to usher in change

A different look at the bible story of the feeding of the 5000 has sparked an idea for an art installation at Norwich Cathedral whereby people decorate a pebble and make a pledge to live differently.


The challenges of 2020 have highlighted the inequalities in the world and the need for change. When reflecting on the story of the feeding of the 5,000, Lay Canon of Norwich Cathedral Carrie Sant considered how as Jesus breaks five loaves and two small fish and distributes them, twelve baskets fill up rather than empty as people share the food together. She said, “Our current world crisis has given us a chance to take a good look at the world we live in. It has highlighted inequalities; it has revealed human-kind at their worst but also at their best. If we really want to see peace and justice, then we must be able to recognise our own faces in the faces of the oppressed and our own hands in the hands of the oppressors.”


Carrie is inviting people to join together to express our desire to be part of a shared commitment to change. You are invited to make a pledge to try to live differently as we all move forward.

We pledge

1 To try to live in such a way as to value every life equally.

2 To endeavour to take much better care of our planet and each other.

3 To seek to actively be involved in movement towards reducing our excess and waste and sharing the world’s resources more fairly.


If this is your determination too, or perhaps even that of your whole family, we invite you to each find a small rounded flat pebble on which to draw a simple face as a symbol of your personal pledge.

Put the pebble – the size of a postage stamp – in an envelope, with your first name, then bring it to the Cathedral either : in person to the Hostry or mail them to 50 Thor Close, Norwich NR7 0JT

The pebbles, along with other elements, will become part of an art-work depicting this story and incorporating the multitude of pebbles to express a shared commitment to work toward a more just future.

This will be exhibited at the Cathedral in 2021 and hopefully in other venues across the diocese.


Helen Baldry, 02/12/2020

Read the full article here

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