New cross sculpture illuminates Norwich church
The Open Door Christian Fellowship in Norwich switched on its new illuminated cross which sits a top The Building in Ramsey Close.
The cross, designed and made by local artist Mark Jeczalic, makes the building more easily recognisable as a Christian place of worship.
For many years, the church building in Ramsey Close has sat in a “hollow” and been missed by many passers-by – and the church hopes this will no longer be the case.
Pastor Stuart Bailey said, “The cross is at the centre of everything we believe as a church, as we trust that -just as this cross shines into the heart of the estate – we, too, will take the wonderful Gospel of Jesus and enable others to return to the Shepherd and Overseer of their souls.”
Stuart explains that this is an “empty cross” and not a traditional crucifix. “This represents our belief that Jesus rose from the dead showing that new life is available for all who would turn to Him. It is now our aim that everyone in Open Door will shine into the estate with the love, grace and compassion of God, just as clearly as the cross does.”
Read the full article here