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Mothers’ Union welcomes refugees to Norwich

The Mothers’ Union has been working closely with Norfolk County Council on the resettlement of Syrian refugees. Jenny Holcombe reports.

In the past few months Norfolk County Council has been able to welcome a few more of the vulnerable families who wish to come to the UK from camps on the Syrian borders.  The Mothers’ Union has provided full sets of new bedding for the three families that came to Norwich despite the pandemic, and another is expected in June. 

The Refugee Resettlement project has been supported by the Mothers’ Union throughout the county, and over the last four years members have been making up beds for several families at a time, often at a short notice.

For the younger children involved, the move is exciting, frightening and bewildering, so the Mothers’ Union also pops a soft toy into the bed to help them know they are loved and safe in this new place.

Even with the smaller number of families arriving, funds are now running low, and the Mothers’ Union is looking forward to Covid restrictions easing so that fundraising can begin again. Donations from anyone who has compassion for refugees and their wellbeing would be most welcome. 

Cheques may be sent to The Treasurer, Mothers’ Union Office, Diocesan House, 109 Dereham Road Easton NR9 5ES (please write on back of cheque ‘Resettlement Fund’). If online banking is preferred, and if you can Gift Aid your donation, please contact the Treasurer for account details on [email protected]

We remember Jesus’ words: “Anything you did for one of my brothers here, however insignificant, you did for me.” (Matt 25:40)

Image from Mothers’ Union




Eldred Willey, 20/05/2021

Read the full article here

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