Low voices needed to save Norwich church-based choir

The Sine Nomine choir, which rehearses at Chapelfield Road Methodist Church in Norwich, is in desperate need of new members, particularly Tenors and Basses, or it may be forced to close after almost 30 years of singing.
Since 1978 Sine Nomine, a small friendly choir in Norwich, has been singing a wide range of secular and sacred music. Now due to a lack of low voices they are issuing an appeal for more Tenors and Basses, or they may be forced to close.
The choir, which is made up of singers of all ages, rehearses every Wednesday evening at Chapelfield Road Methodist Church from 7.45pm to 9.30pm.
Although they are in urgent need of Tenors and Basses, any new voices, male or female, would be welcome. Singers should be able to read music, but no audition is required.
Ben Miller, Director of Music for Sine Nomine, said: “We have one problem, we need more Tenors and Basses. The choir has been going since 1978, so it would be such a shame not to be able to continue. Are you blessed with a lovely low voice? Do you enjoy a bit of singing and socialising? We would love for you to come and join us!”
The choir is currently looking forward to its busiest season with a series of Christmas concerts including:
A Carol Service in Witton on Sunday, December 10 at 3pm; -
A Carol Service at St Andrew’s Church in Norwich on Wednesday, December 13 at 7.30pm; and -
Carol singing at the Forum on Saturday, December 16, 11-12 noon.
Sine Nomine sings a range of classical and traditional, sacred and secular music, ranging from full choral works such as Vivaldi’s Gloria to Northumbrian folk songs.
There is a subscription of £7.50 a month, but for your first month is free.
Prospective members can contact Ben Miller at [email protected].
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