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Historic Norwich services during Christian Unity Week 

Two historic services involving both Norwich cathedrals, plus an Ecumenical Chain of Prayer, will take place as part of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity in Norwich from January 18 to 25.

On Wednesday January 22, the Boys, Lay Clerks and Choral Scholars of Norwich Anglican Cathedral Choir will be going to the Catholic Cathedral of St John the Baptist to sing the service of Choral Evensong at 5.30pm. It is believed that this is the first time that Evensong has ever been sung in the Cathedral, said Daniel Justin, Director of Music at St John’s.


Then on Saturday January 25, the Feast of the Conversion of St Paul, the Schola Cantorum from St John’s will be singing Vespers in Norwich Anglican Cathedral at 3.30pm.


Daniel said: “There was a Catholic Mass at Norwich Anglican Cathedral some years ago as part of the Cathedral’s 900th Anniversary Celebrations, but we believe this will be the first time that the Catholic Office of Vespers has been sung at the Cathedral since the Reformation.


“Please do come and support these two momentous occasions during the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, as both Anglicans and Catholics pray together, and through sharing our Liturgies, look in hope towards the fullness of life in Christ.”


On Thursday January 23, from 10am to 4pm there will be the annual Ecumenical Chain of Prayer in St Luke’s Chapel at Norwich Anglican Cathedral, where individual Christian faith groups from across Norfolk come together to lead for an hour and share in prayer.


Catherine Howe, Norfolk’s Ecumenical Officer, said there are still some slots available: “If you are a church, from across the traditions, and would like to take one of these, please get in contact with me.

“If individuals would just like to drop by and join in to pray for Christian Unity at any time during the day, everyone will be very welcome which ever church will be taking the lead. We look forward to you joining us.”


You can contact Catherine on 01603 270360 or at [email protected]


Pictured above is the Schola Cantorum from St John’s with Director of Music, Daniel Justin.


Read the full article here

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